If you’re starting a new garden and don’t know how to start to start, then this is a perfect gardening 101 guide for you. Whether you are starting a garden to add some nature to your life or making it into a new hobby, gardening is a great way to get in touch with nature. Just like learning anything new, no matter how simple the new task, there is the right way or the best practice to approach it.
Some of you may see planting as something very simple and perhaps a 2 step process. Like anything else for example cooking, you can easily burn the food or make it almost inedible if it is not cooked correctly. The same goes for planting, if you do not know how to take care of it, then the plant may wither and die in a matter of weeks. With that being said, there are definitely pointers and tips that will help you learn how to garden.
- Starting off small doesn’t necessarily mean starting with an actual “small” size plant. What I mean by that is to start with something that is easy to grow or maintain. You may want to jump in start with growing small size vegetables or herbs. Herbs are usually easy to maintain and require around 4-6 hours of sunlight, so you don’t need to worry about leaving them in the sun. Learn how to keep them pest free without hurting the vegetables. If all goes well, then you can continue adding more plants in the coming weeks or months.
- Understand your space: This was mentioned in the last blog about understanding the space you live in. You should just take time to understand where the light shines in each room and for how long the sun hits that particular location. Is the sunlight extremely harsh in one particular room compared to your other room? Does one area only receive one hour of sunlight only? It is helpful to understand this prior to picking out the plants. The amount of sunlight in terms of strength and time really depends on the type of plant.
- Choose plants that are easy to maintain: After you’ve done your research, it is recommended that you start with plants that are fairly easy to maintain. You do not want to start off with an exotic plant which you paid a high price for and let it die. Not only is it sad for the plant, but it can be a bit discouraging as well. Start with herbs or a type of flower and see how you progress with those plants. After you have gained some experience, work your way up to more difficult plants to grow.
- Feed your plants:Of course, you will need to feed your plant. This isn’t just talking about watering them, but also adding nutrients to the soil.
- Have fun with it!: Growing plants is definitely fun and watching it grow is an experience that can’t be explained. Once you get hooked, you will want to get more plants and grow your garden into an amazing field of earthly delights!