With all the advancements and modernization, sometimes we tend to forget the healing powers of nature. Rather than shoving medicines down our throat why not look at a few herbal ways to keep coughs n sneezes at bay.
1.) Tulsi: This exceptional herb, also known as Holy Basil, is revered in households in India from thousands of years. From relieving stress and anxiety, acne, curing colds, bronchitis, headaches, stomach upset to immune boosting, stress relieving, cancer fighting, oral health, skin health to anti-fungal properties, this versatile Queen of herbs is like the all in one remedy for these and many more health issues. Steep a few leaves in hot water and drink it as a tea or add it in your salads for a fresh boost. Perfect for growing at home as this herb has innumerable health benefits.
2.) Rosemary: This hardy herb deserves to be known for its medicinal properties as well along with its aromatic culinary uses. Even though it does not look like mint, Rosemary belongs in the same family. Other than adding fragrant flavor to dishes, this Mediterranean native herb enhances memory function, improves digestion, prevents brain aging, is a good source of Iron, Calcium and Vitamin B-6. Some studies also show that it has the ability to prevent Alzheimer’ and it slowed the spread of certain types of cancer. Not just that, it also helps in age related macular degeneration. Growing Rosemary in a pot is good idea as it spreads into a bush if grown in ground. Use it in your everyday cooking or drink as a tea for benefits.
3.) Roman Chamomile: If you drink herbal teas or have a natural medicines chest, you will most likely have chamomile flower heads or tea bags. The beautiful white daisy like flowers are famous for calming stress and anxiety and treating insomnia for adults and kids alike. If you grow them at home, you can simply use fresh flower heads to steep in hot water to make tea or dry them and save them for later. A tablespoon or two of this tea can also help calm babies and relieve colic pain in children.
4.) Sage: This lovely gray green Mediterranean native herb with long thick leaves has high antioxidants and helps in improving appetite and other digestive issues like flatulence, bloating, heartburn. Not just that, it can also help in depression, memory loss and lowering cholesterol as well. The pleasant aroma and antioxidant properties of Sage has made it common in cosmetic industry as well. Making tea with Sage can help in the PMS symptoms in women as well.
With the Pixel Garden Desktop, it's a breeze to create your own mini herb garden and keep it indoors in the harsh weather or move it to a location you like.
5.) Peppermint: The lovely minty aroma of this herb makes everything fresh and nice around it. This famous herb has been incorporated in everything from cosmetics, toothpaste, candies, herbal teas and food items as well. An age-old herb in the medicine world, this hybrid herb made from watermint and spearmint helps in curing nausea, cold, flu and Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). You can use it in tea or add it in your salads for a boost of freshness. Mint is an easy to grow plant but should be grown in a pot unless you want your garden to be covered in mint. (It spreads)
Note: While all the herbs are natural and might not seem harmful, it is important to understand that some people with certain conditions or medications can react to certain herbs. So before using consuming any herbs, check out the details if they interact with any health issue or medication you are taking.
The above-mentioned herbs are just a starter to the unlimited amazing herbal world that mother nature has bestowed us with.Mother nature has a treasure unexplored like turmeric, aloe and many more. Although, some diseases may need urgent medical attention and instant medication, but for everyday small problems like a sore throat, mild cold or just general well being, there is a solution other than popping a pill.