The beautiful Spring season is almost just a month away and it’s about to get busy in the gardens with all the sowing and prepping. Before the hustle begins, get a head start by taking care of the important tasks.
- Soil test: One of the primary and most important tasks is your soil test. Check the ph levels and overall fertility of the soil. Boost the nutrients in the soil with sulphur, bone meal etc. to get it ready for planting. You can add in the compost as well at this time.
- Clean out the garden: Before you can start anything new, you need to clear out the old. So this might be the time to check your garden for any leftover vegetables it's growing or to start trimming the hanging stems or any dead load from your garden. Also, pruning might be a good idea if you have not done it yet.
- Plan your garden: Once all the cleaning is done, you will get a clear picture of your garden. Take in all the hard work and get a fresh look on what you plan to grow and where it goes. Think of companion plants you will plant alongside. This will not only help you give a natural boost to each other but also keep those cabbage bugs and other slugs away.
- Seeds: Order your seeds and bulbs. Even better if you have saved from your garden and need not worry about most of it.
- Tool check: It is probably a no brainer but nonetheless important. Clean up those garden tools and check if you need a new pair of garden scissors or your lawn mower needs some tune up.
These might be just the beginning of the list of tasks that your garden needs but is an equally important and time taking one. So get going before the season is upon you.