Winter is coming! Time for some gloom and grey skies but that does not mean our garden has to look that way as well. Fill your garden with color and scents with the winter loving flowers. Brighten up the winter décor through your garden rather than letting it go dull for the cold months.
1.) Pansy: Don’t go on their looks, these low growing flowers are hardy and famous in winters for a reason. These colorful five petal flowers come in a range of colors and can survive a frost and a certain amount freeze as well. So, plant away in your curbside or in a pot to give a colorful welcome to your friends and family.
2.) Ornamental Kale: Not just your salads, Kale can even make your garden look pretty with bursts of green, pink and lavender shades. It is one of the favorite additions to the winter garden and is ideal for Porch and patio decors in the fall and winter seasons.
3.) Camellias: The lovely waxy petalled flowers come in a range of varied colors like pink, red, white, corals and stay on the plants for a long time after they bloom. This hardy plant once grown can become a shrub or a small tree and is drought tolerant as well.
4.) Winter Jasmine: The beautiful delicate lemon-yellow flowers make for an attractive décor for your winter garden. Even though, the flowers are not scented, this willowy stemmed plant can create a wall of flowers if you let it grow on a trellis.
5.) Holly Bush: A perfect backdrop for your other colorful blooms, Holly bush adds to that festive winter feel with its red berries and pointy green leaves. Keep in mind though, if you want those holly berries on your plant, you need to grow the female holly bush to produce the berries and you might need to plant a male variety nearby. Yes, there is a male and a female holly bush variety. There might be varieties available where you may not need a male version to produce the berries. Your local garden center might be able to help you with that.
Winters are a tough time for a lot of greens and even after a lot of effort of self-protection, the ice crystals can kill the plants. Enjoy these beautiful winter blooms while they last and may be growing them in pots or Mobile Planters can help move them around or inside when the winters get unbearable.