Let’s start with what kind of light your room or space gets. Which direction does the light come in and how strong is the light? This may seem like a hassle, but it is good to simply observe your room during the day and see where the light comes in and shines. Do you notice that one particular room A window has a much harsher light compared to your room B window. Perhaps you were working or laying around one day and notice you needed to close the blinds during the day because the light was very intense.
Strong sunlight
The type of plant you want to place will depend on the strength of sunlight it receives. With that being said, the area where it receives strong sunlight would be best for succulent type plants. Succulent plants will be able to withstand the harsh sunlight without dying out. Places like the window shelves and anywhere with strong lighting would be ideal for these types of plants. One great plant most of you would know is the cactus. Cactus are really easy to take care of and they look great anywhere you place them.
Succulent plants

Low sunlight
An area with low light would be a place where the room receives some light. For example, the specific area only receives partial light and/or receives light for only a short period of time. The time can be from 10-20 minutes or up to 2 hours per day. These are considered indoor plants and can survive with low amounts of sunlight everyday. On the other hand, if these plants are placed directly towards a harsh sunlight then these plants will easily wither within a matter of weeks.
Here are some suggestions for plants that are great for low light conditions.
Chamaedorea plant

Spider plant

Calathea plant

Go out there and try out some plants
Overall, the best thing to do is to experiment with different plants. It’s good to have some knowledge of the specific plant you want, so you know how to take care of it and where to place it. However, the first few plants you do end up buying might end up dying, but it will be a learning curve for you and you will know what to do next time. Part of fun and excitement with starting your own garden is to try new plants and see how it fits and accentuates your living space.