Here we’re going to go over some ideas and tips for growing food in areas with limited space. There are an array of challenges to overcome when you are planting in small areas, so it is wise to plan ahead. In this situation, planning is key and knowing exactly what to plant in each section of your garden, so you can get the biggest yield possible.
However, don’t let a small garden or yard deter you from being able to grow a bounty of fresh veggies! We’ve got plenty of ideas and tips to help you grow veggies in any sized space. When you are planning, there are some tough choices to make since there are so many choices, but you will have to reduce it to only a handful.
Let’s look at some small space gardening tips and ideas so you can maximize the production of your crop. Check out these tips for high-yield vegetable gardening and your garden will be overflowing with delicious produce this season!
Deciding on what to plant
First of all, we want to exclude all of the big and heavy vegetables such as broccoli. They take too much space and it will be worth the space. To get the most yields from a small space, these are the top 3 small-space vegetables that grow and produce well, in even a tiny garden.
Pole Beans & Pea
Both of these have a similar growth habit and their growing season overlaps. Start peas in early spring and they will produce plenty of pods before they mature in two months.
Peas are a wonderful small space plant to grow because the pea pods, shoots, and leaves are all edible.
Shelling peas are those that don’t have edible pods and take longer to grow. I recommend you leave those for the larger space gardens.
Look for dwarf or container varieties of determinate tomatoes (tomato plants that grow to a set height rather than indeterminate, or vining, tomatoes). Cherry or grape tomatoes can produce hundreds of tomatoes on one plant, but there are also plenty of slicer tomatoes that can produce well in small spaces.
Salad Greens
Any mix of lettuce, Asian greens, mustards, kale, and other leafy greens can be used as a salad mix. The key to growing these in small spaces is to scatter a pack of seeds in the soil and start harvesting baby greens as they grow!
Deciding on where to plant
The final decision is where to plant your vegetables.
If you plant a sun-loving tomato in shade, you won’t get much in the way of fruit. Sure, you will get a few, but it won’t give you a good yield-to-effort ratio. Don’t be fooled to think that sticking your lettuce in full sun will give you the same results. Make sure to understand how much sunlight each location gets.