Sometimes, we fail to understand the reason why our plants are not thriving and blooming despite watering, prepping the soil and keeping it in sunlight. One of the possible reasons could be the nutrient deficient soil.
Our plants need nutrition to grow and bloom just like us. If you see yellow or dull colored leaves in your plants or poor flowering, it could be a warning sign of nitrogen, potassium or magnesium deficiency. This NPK trio is one of the primary nutrient sources in the plant nutrition list.
- Nitrogen: It is the main reason your plants have that bright green lush color and that leafy growth. The deficiency is most likely to cause yellow leaves and stunted growth with poor flowers or fruit. Nitrogen helps in keeping the soil fertile and plants fruitful and blooming.
Cure: Other than an instant pick me up of an organic fertilizer from your garden store, you can add compost to your soil along with tea, coffee and any kitchen waste that can make a good source of nitrogen.
- Phosphorus: One of the critical nutrients for the plant growth, photosynthesis and healthy roots, Phosphorus is a tricky nutrient to be supplied to the plant in a soluble form as it does not get absorbed by plants. Purple or yellow leaves, reduced flowering or no fruits indicate Phosphorus deficiency.
Cure: To remedy this issue, add the phosphate rock in the soil. It’s not soluble and gets absorbed slowly by plants and organisms which eventually gets released in the plants. You can also spray the plants with fish emulsion weekly.
- Potassium: If you see deformed leaves or weak stems, this may be a sign that your plant is in need of some potassium boost. The deficiency can cause scarce flowering and fruiting along with browning at the leaf edges. Potassium is essential for the photosynthesis and promoting strong hardy stems as well as a good harvest and bloom.