Last week we talked about the garden prep checklist for the Spring season. Most of you have probably started it as well. This week we wanted to go a little deep and talk about an important part of the growing process. Seeds!
We are close to the party time in the garden! The preps and planning have started or are going to be in process for many gardeners. Even though growing your own vegetables from seed is fun, it can be an overwhelming task for the beginners. With keeping all that in mind, we want to share the guide to start the seeds for you to have a happy spring / summer garden.
Starting your seeds rather than buying plants is much more fun and beneficial.
1.) You get to grow different varieties rather than just a limited few options that you might get in the nursery.
2.) Starting from seeds always works cheaper than buying grown plants.
3.) You can decide what soil, fertilizer and any other thing that goes into your garden.
Now let’s head to the tips for starting a successful garden with seeds.
1.) Buying the seeds: Do not cut costs. The quality of seeds is very important when you are growing from scratch. Always try to get organic and non-GMO seeds. It might look expensive to spend for seeds but that is what gives you a good crop and is saving your money in the groceries.
2.) Choosing the right seeds: It might look easy but choosing the right seeds can be a bit hard. With all the options and varieties that come with buying the seeds, it is easy to get lost in the huge array of cool vegetables. So first off decide, what do you want to grow this season. Whether than crop is suitable for your climate and if you are a beginner, is it a complicated or an easy vegetable to grow. Make a list of veggies your family would like to grow.
3.) When to plant your seeds: Now that you have bought your seeds, the next step is to decide when to plant your seeds. One of the easiest methods is to look at the back of seed packets. They give you the recommended dates to start the seed. Apart from the instructions on the packet, the general rule of thumb is to plant your seeds 6-8 weeks indoors or 4-6 weeks outdoors before your average last frost date.
4.) How to: You bought the seeds, you know when to start them. The next step is to start your seeds. Find out which seeds are good to start indoors and which ones to start outdoors.
The seed packets normally have it written in the back as well but find out which seeds are good to grow indoors and which ones should be started outdoors or are good to transplant.
Things you need:
You will need starter pots where you can start your seeds. It can be any recycled containers; eggshells work well giving the seeds the much-needed nutrition as well, even egg cartons work as a really well-partitioned box for all your seeds. You can do some DIY and create small containers for your seeds from everyday containers at home. Saves money and the environment. If you are not feeling crafty, you can pick up containers from the store or a nursery.
# Soil: Use a good quality organic seed starting soil mix.
# Planting the seed: Make a hole in the soil and place the seeds in it and cover it with a layer of soil gently pressing them. The seed packet will tell you how deep and far to place them. Usually, you would place 1-3 seeds per pot.
# Water: If you had not dampened the soil before than water the seeds with a gentle stream, keeping in mind not to wash the seeds away.
# Location: Seeds normally need a warm space for germination.
#Tags: We think we will remember but before you forget which one was peas and which one was tomatoes, place a name tag on each of the seedbeds to make your life easy. Writing the date helps as well to know the days to maturity.
# Transplant: Once the seeds turned into seedlings and are ready to be transplanted, gently transfer them to their permanent spot. Once planted, mist the plants with water till the soil is wet but not excessively soaked.
#Air: Make sure there is good circulation of air and light for the plants to establish and settle in their new home.

Tips for beginners:
1.) Grow plants that do well in your zone.
2.) Grow greens that are expensive to buy in the market. (save the $).
3.) Choose plants you and your family like to eat. Growing new and cool greens would be useless if you are not going to use them.
Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a beginner just starting your new garden, it is always a learning process. Gardening is a fun and rewarding activity with beautiful wins and some losses, so don’t lose heart if a seed doesn’t sprout or if your plant baby succumbs to weather. It only teaches you and gives you a chance to do something different next time.